
Title: 10 Practical English Phrases to Make Your Speaking More AuthenticAs English becomes more and more important in our daily lives, it's crucial to master the language and speak it fluently. However, simply knowing the grammar and vocabulary is no

Title: 10 Practical English Phrases to Make Your Speaking More Authentic

As English becomes more and more important in our daily lives, it's crucial to master the language and speak it fluently. However, simply knowing the grammar and vocabulary is not enough. To truly sound like a native speaker, you need to use the right phrases and expressions. Here are ten practical English phrases that will help you sound more authentic and confident in your speaking.

- "Let me get back to you on that."

When you don't h-e an answer or need more time to think, this phrase is perfect. It shows that you're taking the question seriously and will follow up with a response later.

- "I'm not sure I follow."


If you don't understand what someone is saying, this phrase is a polite way to ask for clarification. It shows that you're actively listening and want to make sure you're on the same page.

- "Could you give me a hand with this?"

When you need help with something, this phrase is a friendly and polite way to ask for assistance. It shows that you're not afraid to ask for help and appreciate the other person's time and effort.

- "I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name."

If you've forgotten someone's name, this phrase is a polite way to ask for it again. It shows that you value the other person and want to address them by their proper name.

- "I'm afraid I h-e to disagree."

When you h-e a different opinion or viewpoint, this phrase is a respectful way to express your disagreement. It shows that you're open to different perspectives but also h-e your own thoughts and ideas.

- "Let's agree to disagree."

If you and someone else can't come to a consensus, this phrase is a way to end the conversation on a positive note. It shows that you respect the other person's opinion but also acknowledge that you h-e different viewpoints.

7. "I'll look into it."

When someone asks you to do something or find information, this phrase is a way to show that you're taking the request seriously and will follow through. It shows that you're dependable and responsible.

8. "I'm not feeling well, so I need to take the day off."

When you're sick or not feeling well, this phrase is a clear and concise way to communicate your need for time off. It shows that you prioritize your health and well-being.

9. "Thanks for your input."

When someone gives you feedback or advice, this phrase is a way to show that you appreciate their input and will consider it. It shows that you're open to constructive critici- and value the other person's opinion.

10. "It's been great talking with you."

When you're ending a conversation, this phrase is a polite and friendly way to say goodbye. It shows that you enjoyed the conversation and value the other person's time and company.

In conclusion, using these ten practical English phrases will help you sound more authentic and confident in your speaking. By incorporating them into your daily conversations, you'll be able to communicate more effectively and build stronger relationships with others.

